Pilot Registry info
Title : Technology Upscaling Pilot Plant
Acronym : TUPP
Address : AMS-Advanced Management Solutions Ltd, 15, Ioanni Nika str., Acharne, GR 13671, Athens
Legal Info
PIC Code : 953864342
Type of Organization : SME - Small and Medium Enterprises

Description : AMSolutions Ltd is an SME, founded in 1999, establishing its current legal form in 2004 with the goal to provide state-of-the-art consultancy & technical services inextricably linked with the Research, Development & Production of novel energy efficient procedures & materials contributing to the constantly increasing demand of “eco-friendly”, energy efficient & “value for money” novel products to a rapidly forward moving world. As result of company’s R&D, the exploitation of its results is more than a necessity, is our contribution to a safer and better industry. Our team of experts, driven by the industry problems & demands, implementing their knowledge & our facilities, are capable to provide solutions & design “tailor made” process to a very wide industrial spectrum and needs.
Having the great advantage of the Technology Upscaling Pilot Plant - TUPP, we are able not only to design new custom processes focused on client’s demands, but also to test, operate, evaluate and optimize them, without interrupting or interfering at the actual production process and/or production line of our clients.
Having the great advantage of the Technology Upscaling Pilot Plant - TUPP, we are able not only to design new custom processes focused on client’s demands, but also to test, operate, evaluate and optimize them, without interrupting or interfering at the actual production process and/or production line of our clients.
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