Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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Want to further develop your pilot facility into the market? This report on funding opportunities provides an inventory of the existing funding frameworks that can further support the development of your pilot facility. It also includes a section on the basic principles for obtaining synergies and combining different funds.

Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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EPPN app is developed as a software application running on the Android platform. In connection with the digital platform, the App is developed with awareness and dissemination purposes. This App allows the players to overview existing pilots, their locations, and main applications and services offered over different sectors. The App is downloadable free of charge here.

Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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Users’ Support ‎5 years ago public

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